The Tide of Change

How do we know when it’s time for change? It’s the still small voice that is persistent, if you listen. It’s that gentle nudge that let’s you know something may be at bay. It’s a feeling, a sense, a voice, and maybe it’s in the knot in your stomach.

“Some changes look negative on the surface, but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.” 
― Eckhart Tolle

It can be gnawing at you for a long time and you are now suddenly paying attention to it. The soul has a way of knowing what our strong ego may not admit to. Our ego is an entity  in our mind that is not easily swayed, but the body may give us indicators of truth. The body knows what the mind may not admit to and holds the impact of our thoughts. Anxiety, depression, holding onto resentment, or anger – all these feelings, and more, may come out sideways through physical reactions if they are not dealt with in healthy ways.

Change happens when we hit a tipping point and the thought of things staying the same may be worse than the struggle of turning to accept something new. It doesn’t necessarily take sudden action. It is perhaps best to let the new thoughts soak in. The tide doesn’t change immediately. Waves come slowly, little by little, washing forward and then back, and then before you know it, it’s high tide.

And high time for change. It’s the one constant. Change is inevitable. Will you be making the change or will it come upon you?

And in the end, All Shall Be Well. In Time.

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