

Why visit a psychotherapist? I have friends to process things with, and they are a great support. Sometimes family is good, but at other times, it might be better to not involve them. When you see someone as a counselor, a psychotherapist, you get another point of view, and someone who is absolutely dedicated to supporting you and your wellbeing.

A psychotherapist, a good one, will bear witness to your story, encourage you to see with new eyes, help you understand, and explore to unlock what is inside you. I believe there is sometimes hidden knowledge that is deeply embedded, but it’s too scary to view. With someone who is there to hold your hand and help you remember you are not alone, together you may enter uncharted territory. It is definitely worth this sometimes daunting effort. The journey is not always immediately revealing, but with time, new revelations will unfold.

The creative process that comes from this experience can yield new growth that can take your breath away. You are gorgeous in full bloom. It’s how you were created to be. Give yourself a chance to lift your head into the sunshine and soak up the warm rays of being fully alive.

All shall be well. In time.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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